Artículos Científicos - Angelus Odontologia

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Cimentos biocerâmicos de terceira geração

Conclui-se que os cimentos biocerâmicos demostraram ser promissores, uma vez que suas propriedades físico--químicas não somente respondem aos padrões das normas ISO, mas também superam em alguns aspectos o cimento AH Plus, justificando sua aplicação clínica.

MONJE, M.E.N.; ET AL. Cimentos biocerâmicos de terceira geração. SALUSVITA, Bauru, v. 39, n. 3, p. 843-876, 2020.

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Dentinal Tubule Penetration and Adaptation of Bio-C Sealer and AH-Plus: A Comparative SEM Evaluation

Under the parameters of this study, BIOC exhibits higher penetration and better adaptation to the dentinal tubules compared to AHP.

CACERES, C.; ET AL Dentinal Tubule Penetration and Adaptation of Bio-C Sealer and AH-Plus: A Comparative SEM Evaluation. EUR Endod J 2021. Published online: 22 April 2021 DOI 10.14744/eej.2020.96658

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Antibacterial Activity of a New Ready- To-Use Calcium Silicate-Based Sealer

Fresh Bio-C Sealer exhibited antimicrobial activity against all bacteria evaluated by agar diffusion method, except for S. mutans. Set
discs of all endodontic sealers tested showed similar CFU values for E. faecalis (p>0.05). S. mutans in biofilms showed higher susceptibility to EndoFill compared with the other sealers (p<0.05). In conclusion, the results indicate that fresh Bio-C Sealer does not inhibit S. mutans growth, but exhibits antibacterial activity against E. faecalis, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli. After setting, the Bio-C Sealer exhibits an antimicrobial potential comparable to that of the other sealers evaluated in E. faecalis biofilm, but lower than that of EndoFill for S. mutans biofilm

BARBOSA, V.M.; ET AL. Antibacterial Activity of a New Ready- To-Use Calcium Silicate-Based Sealer. Brazilian Dental Journal (2020) 31(6): 611-616

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Biocompatibility and Bioactive Potential of New Calcium Silicate–based Endodontic Sealers: Bio-C Sealer and Sealer Plus BC

BC and SPBC are biocompatible to be used in close contact with periapical tissue, inducing a mild inflammatory reaction and favoring repair. In addition, both sealers may contribute to the periapical tissue mineralization process because they demonstrate bioactive potential.

SILVA, E.C.A.; ET AL. Biocompatibility and Bioactive Potential of New Calcium
Silicate–based Endodontic Sealers: Bio-C Sealer and Sealer Plus BC. JOE Volume 46, Number 10, October 2020

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Biological assessment of a new ready-to-use hydraulic sealer

Bio-C Sealer and white MTA-Angelus exhibited greater cytocompatibility than MTA-Fillapex; all materials displayed adequate biocompatibility and induced tenascin immunolabeling.

BENETTI, F.; ET AL. Biological assessment of a new ready-to-use hydraulic sealer. Restor Dent Endod. 2021 May;46(2):e21

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Postes de fibra

Push-out bond strength and failure mode of single adjustable and customized glass fiber posts

SAP showed better performance than CP. The root third and resin cements did not influence the PBS. The most prevalent failures were adhesive and mixed. Push-out bond strength

LOPES, L.D.S., ET AL. Push-out bond strength and failure mode of single adjustable and customized glass fiber posts. Saudi Dental Journal (2021) 33, 917–922

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Repair of a Perforation Defect With Calcium-Silicate-Based Cement Using an Internal Matrix: Case Report

The use of an internal matrix of absorbable collagen provides good control for condensation of MTA against the matrix. If in the present case the plug had not been placed correctly, the seal would have been poor. Therefore, the use of the synthetic collagen material matrix enabled the MTA to be placed correctly, which in turn maximized the seal. Further studies are needed to develop the internal matrix placement approach into a standardized method so that the matrix may be placed correctly each time it is used

SRIVASTAWA,J..Repair of a Perforation Defect With Calcium-Silicate-Based Cement Using an Internal Matrix: Case Report. Compendium,February 2021
Volume 42, Issue 2

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Push-out bond strength and marginal adaptation of apical plugs with bioactive endodontic cements in simulated immature teeth

The bond strength and marginal adaptation to root canal walls of MTA HP and Biodentine cement were comparable to white MTA.

AS, M.A.B.; ET AL. Push-out bond strength and marginal adaptation of apical plugs with bioactive endodontic cements in simulated immature teeth. Restor Dent Endod. 2021 Nov;46(4):e53

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A Decision Making: Implant or Endodontic Treatment? A Case Report

The present report describes the successful treatment of a tooth with an endo-perio lesion and an extensive area of bone resorption. The possibility of extraction and dental implant was discussed with the patient. Chemomechanical preparation was performed, and canals were filled with bioceramic cement and gutta-percha cones. After 12 months, clinical and radiographic evaluations showed remarkable remineralization. The decision to perform the endodontic treatment or implant was based on scientific evidence and correct clinical assessment.

AMARAL. R.R.; ET AL. A Decision Making: Implant or Endodontic Treatment? A Case Report. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893) Volume 5 Issue 11 November 2021

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